Feel your beauty. Express your power. More than a sport, dance is a minset that empowers you. It is a journey that helps you understand the strength of your body.
Take a moment for yourself and reconnect with your inner self. Learn to listen to your body and push your boundaries. Tone your body, while enjoying!
More than a class, we encourage you to adopt a Mindset that is fueled by joy and happiness, that we all share for the moment. Be bold and join us!
成立于2009年,十五年间致力于专业东方舞教学,世界冠军团队导师亲自授课。创办人Jamila海青是2006年亚洲首届肚皮舞大赛冠军,2013世界肚皮舞双料冠军、是第一位应邀参加中国舞林争霸综艺节目(So You Think You Can Dance)的东方舞舞蹈家。她也是第一位在新加坡官方电视台《早安你好》教授肚皮舞的艺术大师。
Our Classes





Chinese Dance Classes by well-known instructor, Teacher Chang Hsiao Min
✨Great news! Get ready to immerse yourself in the graceful and mesmerizing world of Chinese dance! Starting from 20 Jul (Thursday), Teacher Chang Hsiao Min will be sharing her expertise, teaching you the proper techniques and elegant choreographies.
✨Many opportunities to perform with our BE sisters! Don't miss out on this opportunity!
☎️Contact +65 9126 3420 for class details
BellyTechnique Program taught by World Belly Dance Champions
Our BellyTechnique Program is designed with newcomers, beginners & dance enthusiasts in mind - combing the best of both techniques & choreography. It’s the best and fastest way to learn the essence of bellydancing.
Classes are conducted by our world-champion instructors, students are guided step-by-step from simple to elaborate techniques & combinations.
Learn how to understand different types of Oriental music and improve your mental agility. Adapt your moves easily into beautiful choreographies.
A wide variety of styles will be introduced, from modern bellydance, shaabi, khaleegi, veil dance, to Bollywood & more.
Our Classes:
Monday 7pm-8pm: Bellydance Techniques
Tuesday 12.30pm-1.30pm, 7pm-8pm: Bellydance Techniques
Wednesday 7pm-8pm: Bellydance Choreography for beginners
Thursday 12.30pm-1.30pm: Bellydance Techniques
Friday 7pm-8pm: Bellydance Choreography for beginners
Saturday 1pm-2pm: Bollywood for beginners
Sunday 1pm-2pm: Bellydance Techniques
All days & timing are Singapore-specific
Welcome to join ONLINE via live-streaming or IN-PERSON at our studio. Trial class available too!
Whatsapp: +65 91263420 (English) / +65 8333 1583 (中文)
请联系 +65 8333 1583(中文)/ +65 9126 3420 (English)
Jamila 海青
JAMILA 海青,出生于艺术世家。从2005年以来,海青一直不断积累,她多次前往埃及,土耳其等多个肚皮舞发源地国家进修,拜访国际知名大师。此后她师承多方,汲取众长,在保留传统肚皮舞魅力的同时,积极创新并融合不同风格的现代元素,发展出独树一帜的海青Style肚皮舞。
她在舞蹈方面的独特天赋,使她成为第一个被中东著名钢琴家钦点的本地舞者。她的舞蹈融合了很多现代元素,是第一个把肚皮舞用舞台剧形式创新展现的艺术家,新颖独特的风格优美细腻广受欢迎。跳而优则教,2009年,海青创办了"新加坡非凡舞蹈学校",海青及她的舞蹈团队 - Bellydance Extraordinaire应邀在新加坡最大型的妆艺大游行活动中表演,观众包括社区各基层领袖及国务资政吴作栋总理。如今,除了跳舞之外,海青也开始培养新一代优秀舞者,设计编排高水准的肚皮舞舞台剧。并率团参与国际演出交流活动。籍此让更多的人认识肚皮舞,喜欢肚皮舞,将肚皮舞升华到更高的艺术领域,并且让更多的人认识新加坡。此外,Jamila 海青还被邀请到以下国家授课及表演:马来西亚,越南,中国,韩国和土耳其。与此同时她也经常为当地的慈善机构组织义演等活动。
Jamila 海青年均100场现场演出,受到普遍喜爱。她独特的舞蹈风格广受欢迎并竞相被其他舞者学习和模仿。目前Jamila 海青脸谱网站上有超过有100,000粉丝。她将满怀激情的继续向前引领东方舞的潮流。欣赏过她精彩演出的观众包括新加坡资政李光耀、总理吴作栋、前总统纳丹夫妇及各基层领袖和著名人士。
Our Clients & Students say...
Been with school for two years . Loving every minute of it . It's practically my second home as I attend classes 3-4 days a week at least. .Looking forward to many more years with BE, honing my dance techniques together with all the dear friends I met here. Never felt more fit n agile n confident of my body. - Lily L.
Best bellydance school in Singapore!! Great for beginners with no dance experience as well as advanced dancers. Jamila is an amazing teacher with lot of patience! It's like being part of a family here. - Pratima N.
Centrally located venue with awesome award winning Teachers who are dedicated, passionate, Creative and nurturing. There are lots of Performace opportunities to hone your dancing abilities, stage presence, increase your confidence and keep fit at the same time. Love Jamila and the cosy learning studio! - Jacquelyn G.
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